
Showing posts from January 23, 2008

Dogs are stinky

Every month I go outside for an hour or so to rid the yard of droppings we might miss when letting them out at night. I picked today because it is sunny and mild with very little snow on the ground. I take the dogs with me because, lets face it, they'd probably wet themselves if I was just outside the windows without them. My ass is in the air, a poop-er scooper in one hand, bag in the other, when the little one (George) starts barking like crazy and running toward the street. A man is crossing from the other side, looking thoroughly unconcerned, which is good. It means I only have to worry about my annoying pooch. So I come down the lawn ready to scoop up George (he is only 10lbs)- yelling "stop" calling for him, etc... George ignores all of this . Why didn't George come to me? He was excited. Why did George keep scampering out of my reach when I tried to pick him up? He was excited. Why does George get so excited when strangers come around? He's crazy. George