
Showing posts from December 10, 2018


Goal Post #6 Summer of 2011 was the last time I felt happy with my size. Attending grad school after my divorce, I was in regular therapy and on antidepressants. Life was stressful and crazy but I’m pretty sure the medication helped me lose some extra weight I’d gained in my rocky marriage and rockier divorce.  I'm only bringing this up because stress and medications can make a strange cocktail in our systems, effecting our health in ways we cannot predict. It’s important to note I do not currently have any known conditions, am not on any medications including hormonal birth control, have never been pregnant, and do not have small children. On the subject of children, every parent knows we can love and enjoy them while acknowledging toddlers are super stressful energy suckers. Two years old is still my favorite developmental age even though my health spiraled drastically the year and a half I worked at a preschool teaching 2½-3 year olds.  During that year I develop...