
Showing posts from August 5, 2019

Healthy Progress

Recently I started looking back over my posts covering the beginning of my journey making better health choices. One thing stood out right away: they are difficult to navigate, y'all! To help with this, I'm arranging them in chronological order here. If you're at all interested in how I went from 40lbs overweight and (if family medical history is an indicator) pre-diabetic, to my current state feeling healthier and happier in my skin - here are fourteen posts chronicling the process. Buildup Beginning Burnout Body Composition Calories, again Complexity Drinks and Digestion Dancing Exercise Excitement Eating Adjustments Flow Flower Grandchildren Gently Yes, I intentionally did an alphabet thing. Not sure why now, but it gave me a place to start when coming up with titles so I'm standing by that decision. There is one thing I would change about these posts if I could. Before starting two and a half years ago I would visit a doctor to give me more t