
Showing posts from December 31, 2018


Goal Post #14 Last summer Nic's mom said “I like how you’ve been doing things gently” and the word dovetailed perfectly with showing myself kindness. Being gentle means listening to my body. Pushing myself, but not so hard I get discouraged. Sometimes it means agonizingly slow visible progress but surprisingly quick achievements in areas I didn’t anticipate. (The day I moved our super heavy coffee table by myself without thinking about it was pretty cool.) Sometime in August, my weight loss stalled and hovered around 30 pounds down for ten weeks. That was more discouraging than expected. After all, this process is about getting healthier and that part was still happening. Maybe I was so close to my goal that failing to see it get any closer week after week seemed like a cruel joke. Speaking of jokes, I was so discouraged I actually took one of those online “metabolism type” tests. With my goal only three pounds away, I wasn’t sure if they could help but thought it was wort