
Showing posts from December 30, 2018

Flower grandchildren

Goal Post #13 My parents are part of the baby-boomer generation. This group included flower children, making us xennials flower grandchildren. We have gained many good things from the holistic, natural branch of this movement along with frankly, a lot of nonsense. Earlier in this blog I talked about lemon juice and apple cider vinegar helping control my heartburn and how artificial sweeteners cause my blood sugar to plummet. There is no way for me to know if this is widely true for most people or just true for me. Anecdotal evidence is a story about how something worked for some one and not a replacement for multiple medical studies proving something true for lots of people. Sorting through stories to figure out what works for you while listening to established medical findings is part of everyone's health journey. After all, I don't want to be paying big pharma any more than is absolutely necessary. I also don't intend to suffer needlessly from an aliment tha