
Showing posts from December 26, 2018

Eating Adjustments

Goal Post #11 Early this past summer Nic and I decided to get serious about eating less meat. We'll probably never be vegetarians, but eating more vegetable products in general is better for our bodies and hopefully the planet. To get started, I bought a bunch of cheap veggie burgers from Aldi to pre-cook and crumble over salads the next day for lunch. This was a fantastic idea and helped cut down on lunch costs without sacrificing protein intake. For dinner we wanted higher quality so began taste-testing meatless burgers and sausages. After all, it was summer and we love to grill. Right up front I'm going to admit we never found a satisfying meatless alternative to any sausage you eat on a bun. Moving on to burgers. Nic's favorite meatless burger is the FieldBurger because of the texture, salt content and how satisfied he feels after eating. My favorites are Dr. Prager's mushroom risotto and kale burgers for flavor, flavor and flavor. Both of us like th