
Goal Post #2 In May 2017 I started walking 15-20 mins on my lunch break and going on bike rides after work. My body was so out of shape I noticed improvements right away. 2015 is the first year in my adult working life that I’ve had the luxury of a whole hour for lunch. Those first two years I positively reveled in sitting or napping in my car alone at lunch (introvert much?) If you barely have the time eat on your lunch break, food is your priority and I would never tell you to limit that for a walk. For three years I also worked nights so I understand your 2am lunch isn’t the best time to take a stroll. If either of these is your situation, look for other places in your day to take a short walk - even 10mins can make a difference in how you feel. For example, when I worked nights I could have gone on a short walk or bike ride after work before going to bed each morning. One of my sisters who used to work nights said she'd take 20mins on her lunch climbing up and down the...