
Showing posts from December 6, 2018

Body composition

Goal Post #4 At some point during the summer of 2017 we got a scale that also measures our fat percentages. To figure out how everything fluctuated, I went a little overboard - weighing myself twice a day (or more). Nic threatened to toss the scale if I didn’t knock it out, so I limited myself to bi-weekly weigh-ins. This is still difficult (I want to know all the data all the time!) but healthier than obsessing over every tiny weight change. The university I attended for undergrad had a P.E. requirement every semester. Homework was workout time and finals had two p arts: a body fat composition test (nicknamed the “pinch test”) and a timed physical challenge: running, walking, biking, or s wimming. Completing a certain distance in so many minutes or less earned an A, same distance at a slower time a B, and so o n. Even then, I loath ed running with every fiber of my body, so for six semesters I had to swim 800-1000 meters in less than 20 minutes to ace my P.E. final. Many of us