Healthy Progress

Recently I started looking back over my posts covering the beginning of my journey making better health choices. One thing stood out right away: they are difficult to navigate, y'all! To help with this, I'm arranging them in chronological order here. If you're at all interested in how I went from 40lbs overweight and (if family medical history is an indicator) pre-diabetic, to my current state feeling healthier and happier in my skin - here are fourteen posts chronicling the process.

Body Composition

Calories, again

Drinks and Digestion

Eating Adjustments

Flower Grandchildren


Yes, I intentionally did an alphabet thing. Not sure why now, but it gave me a place to start when coming up with titles so I'm standing by that decision. There is one thing I would change about these posts if I could. Before starting two and a half years ago I would visit a doctor to give me more than just numbers on a scale and tape measurement progress. It would be nice to know if my cholesterol and/or A1C levels improved along with my waistline. Getting to the doctor is something I still struggle with, but this journey isn't over. Enjoy!

After a lot of thought, I am not going to disclose my starting or goal weights.

Everybody is different and I don’t want to discourage someone because my starting weight is your goal weight or my goal weight is your starting weight.

For that reason, this timeline will only track total pounds lost. If the number goes from 11 to 9 it means I gained two pounds that week instead of loosing any. If it goes from five to six, I lost one pound that week. 


May 14  -3.0

May 21  -4.0

June 5  -6.4

June12  -9.1

July 3  -11.5

July10  -9.4

July16  -9.5

July28  -10.7

Aug.14  -7.9

Aug.29  -10.7

Sept. 4 -9.4

Sept.16 -8.6

Sept.25 -8.6

Oct. 1  -8.6

Oct. 9  -6.9

Oct.16  -8.3

Oct.26  -5.7

Nov.20  -7.1

Nov.26  -8.0

Dec. 4  -6.9

Dec. 6  -9.0

Dec.13  -9.8

Dec.20  -9.4

Dec.27  -7.4



Jan. 3  -9.5

Jan.10  -8.8

Jan.14  -11.7

Jan.24  -12.3

Jan.31  -12.8

Feb. 7  -16.1

Feb.14  -15.3

Feb.28  -15.2

March6  -15

March14 -17.6

March21 -17.9

March28 -18.8

Apr 4   -20.6

Apr 11  -21.1

Apr 26  -21.7

May 3   -23.3

May 5   -24.1

May 9   -24.0

May 16  -23.9

May 19  -25.1

May 23  -23.7

May 26  -24.8

June 2  -26.3

June 9  -27.9

June16  -26.7

June23  -28.2

June30  -29.1


2018, continued

July 2  -29.8

July 7  -26.7

July14  -28.8

July21  -28.4

July25  -30.2

July28  -29.9

July30  -30.5

Aug. 3  -30.7

Aug.11  -29.7

Aug.18  -30.4

Aug.22  -31.9

Aug.25  -31.1

Aug.31  -29.7

Sept. 4 -31.1

Sept. 9 -30.0

Sept.12 -31.8

Sept.15 -32.5

Sept.19 -32.5

Sept.22 -33.1

Oct. 2  -32.9

Oct. 7  -31.8

Oct. 9  -32.5

Oct.16  -34.2

Oct.29  -33.1

Oct.30  -33.8

Nov. 3  -34.7

Nov.10  -35.4



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