
Goal Post #9 yoga, part 1

not yoga, but super fun
In February I added 5-15 mins of morning yoga and reinstated daily 1 min planks. Now they are a regular part of my exercise routine, I'm not sure how I went without planks. The difference in my core is pretty incredible.

A morning workout playlist has been helpful to psych myself up while providing a way to mark time without having to watch a clock. The same actions don't follow a particular song but it's nice to know if I'm almost late for work or have an extra five minutes to play with.

Sometimes I mix it up by dancing through the first song, planking and starting yoga in the second. It just depends on the amount of time. The following yoga sequences are listed longest to shortest because they’re all basically the same moves in the same order, I just add or subtract elements as time allows.

15 min routine:  
Cat cow
Dancing cat (7 reps each side)
Cat cow again
Extended child’s pose (two breaths)
Down dog (several breath cycles to really stretch, walk the dog, etc.)
Right leg extended: three legged dog, right knee to chest, rt. knee to right elbow, rt. knee to left elbow
three legged dog to pigeon (half-way point)
In pigeon, gently stretch neck by looking over one shoulder at a time with the breath
High plank, chaturanga to down dog
Left leg extended: three legged dog, knee to chest, knee to left elbow, knee to right elbow
three legged dog into pigeon (stretch neck again)
Bring extended leg around to seated cross-legged position
Roll onto back, bring knees to chest, hold nose to knees for a breath
On back, rotate knees together, clockwise and counter-clockwise (between 5-7 circles each way)
Happy baby
Reclining twist, both sides
Rock back up to seated position and you’re done!

10 min routine:
Same as above, with no dancing cat or three-legged knee to chest in down dog. Any of these sessions can be shorter or longer based on how long you hold the poses. The 5min routine can even be stretched as long as you like based on how many cat/cows you need that day or if a specific pose feels really good.

Paying attention to my breathing along with each movement helps track time in a pose better than constantly checking a clock. For example, with cat/cow each cycle is a breath. If I take seven breaths, that part of my routine lasts approximately 50 seconds. Technically, I could turn 15 mins into 20 just by holding poses longer. But, when I have more time, I like to incorporate unfamiliar movements to challenge myself.

5 min yoga routine:
Cat cow
Extended child’s pose
Down dog
Right side: three legged dog to pigeon
Gently stretch neck by looking over one shoulder at a time in pigeon
High plank, chaturanga to down dog
Left side: three legged dog into pigeon (stretch neck again)
Bring extended leg around to seated cross-legged position
Roll onto back, bring knees to chest, hold nose to knees for a breath
Happy baby
Rock back up to seated position, fin
Post-workout happy

When I skip, it’s usually because I’m already running late for work, tired, or unwell. However, this isn’t a terribly difficult routine even at a full 15 mins, so skipping is mostly about my attitude. Paying attention to the days my internal monologue is harsh, discouraged, or simply lazy, has been instructive and useful.

If my yoga routine isn't your cup of tea, here are some (hopefully helpful) options.

Yoga style quiz

For beginners, injuries, or seniors:
Poses for beginners
Gentle poses for seniors
Beginner poses for seniors
Restorative yoga
Chair yoga video
Chair yoga with Adriene video
Gentle yoga video
Slow and gentle video

For moderately skilled yogis:
5 min morning yoga video
10 min morning yoga video
15 minute morning yoga video
Home Yoga channel


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