
Goal Post #10 it’s working!  

In March the weather got warm enough to go on regular bike rides again and I returned to measuring body fat weekly (down 2% since September)!

Still enjoying all the food
Around the beginning of April, I crossed the twenty pound threshold. For the first time in years I weighed less than the number on my driver's license. Can I just say how incredible that felt? When I stepped on the scale that morning I honestly didn't believe it- then the endorphins kicked in and I was super excited all day.

Twenty pounds is a noticeable amount and people started asking what I’d been doing. Adding all the changes up in my head, it was quite a list, so I usually awkwardly answered “yoga.” Awkwardly because it wasn’t the whole story but the whole story looks something like this:
  • 60 second plank every morning
  • 5-15mins yoga every morning and longer on weekends
  • lemon/cayenne pepper water every morning 15mins before eating
  • walk 10-20 mins each day at lunch or after work with dogs, longer on weekends
  • bike 30-40 mins every other day just before or after dinner, longer on weekends
  • record every calorie, every meal, every day
  • twice-weekly weigh-ins
  • weekly fat calculation
  • no coffee
  • no sugary or diet soda 
  • no alcohol on weeknights
  • eat out no more than one night per week
  • limit lunches from restaurants
  • dance whenever you find space/time
The wonderful thing is it didn’t feel like this much. Because I made only one or two small changes at a time, it hadn’t been insurmountable. Plus, I got to make this cool line graph of my weight-loss progress. Eighties kid win!


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