
Showing posts from February, 2019

and Hearty

Goal Post #16 follow up This month's goal started a million times better than January's. No candy, cookie, sugary latte, hot chocolate, or otherwise happy thing crossed my lips for a week. Granted, at day seven it was too early to celebrate, but two things: 1- seven days into January's goal I was four days behind, and 2- it already felt like an eternity. After passing the free girl scout cookie test, apparently there was more to come. Seven days in there were teeny tiny Heath bars mocking me from the break room. Teeny. Tiny. Heath bars. My second-favorite candy bar, rarely seen in tiny form, for free, right there, forbidden. Twix are my absolute favorite. For those of you inclined to baking I created recipe that combines the best of both. First you make shortbread, cut into bars, and let cool. Then cover the shortbread with toffee and top with dark chocolate. Yes, this is tricky, expensive, messy and delectable. The toffee has to be just short of cracking candy consis...


Goal Post #16 intention: slaying the sugar monster For the month of February I am cutting out dessert of any kind. No cookies, cakes, candy, ice cream, etc. and for good measure I'm throwing in juice because it's practically straight sugar anyway. My sweet tooth has been out of control since  October and what better month than the shortest to kick the habit? Oh how little we mortals know about our future. Foreseeing this goal, I made sure to finish any remaining treats in our house before February 1st and made it a point not to order girl scout cookies this year. This morning there were six, count 'em, SIX boxes of girl scout cookies open in the breakroom for everyone to share. Turning away from those thin mints took literally all of my self-control today. But I did it, so I guess this is really happening. farewell sweet friends!