
Showing posts from June, 2019

Our doggies, ourselves

Side Post #3 Our dog is sick. We found out a few weeks ago, started treatment, paused, then re-started treatment again. It's not going very well. The medicine is making him feel worse than his disease - he went from getting tired walking a mile to struggling to walk from our back door to the living room. First you need to know more about this little pumpkin. We met on a mild and windy weekend in early November 2007. At the time he was living in a crate on a porch in north-central Kentucky and I was in College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. That weekend at the farm was all about my ex-husband's family. His uncle was dying and wanted one last weekend with everyone hanging out around a fire, fishing, and shooting skeet. One of the aunts provided a location and and we had a lovely time: the cousins camped out on the front lawn, played touch football, and spent time with the beloved uncle. While this was going on, an annoying little dachshund, beagle, jack russel mix was running aro


Goal Post #19 Follow up This one was a hard fail. Turns out giving myself a deadline didn't help very much. Or at all, really. Still planning on getting something scheduled latter this summer or early fall. We'll see.