This one was a hard fail. Turns out giving myself a deadline didn't help very much. Or at all, really. Still planning on getting something scheduled latter this summer or early fall. We'll see.
I know it sounds stupid, but they cover all these annoying songs that I don't normally like but somehow those little high-pitched voices make the songs so freaking funny I can't get enough of it. I could buy the soundtrack, I'm that hooked. I know most people my age didn't see the movie, hell, most people didn't see it period, but it was a very nostalgic experience for me. They are just as great as the Alvin, Simon and Theodore I remember from being a kid- except I don't spend the whole movie wondering what kind of freak green ooze enlarged them all to the size of kids. (I wondered that a lot, especially after Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hit the scene. It was usually difficult for me to suspend belief about movies and shows. People could trick me into or convince me of anything, but a cartoon, how dare it not be realistic!?) Then I discover, watching the credits to the new movie, actually, that the original , as in very first, as in before I was born, chipmunk...
Gwen gave me a lovely gift package for my birthday- all sparkly and feeling like home, just the way she is... (It even contained some of her new, sophisticated, perfect business cards telling the entire world what her friends have known for what seems like forever: she is a novelist.) Then, then, then, the book. For my last birthday was "Oranges aren't the only fruit" by Jeanette Winterson. This year is "The lovely bones" by Alice Sebold and I just got a shiver typing the title. I remember seeing this book around when it first appeared, but as talk of it died down, I forgot to investigate. (Oh god, I just had a thought- what if it was an Oprah book? THAT would explain why Gwen and I would be reluctant to jump on the bandwagon. Not that Oprah endorses only bad books, it's just a thing we have against trying fit in the same way an awkward teenage girl waits to be told what to wear and read and like- I can see why Oprah would like this story though, it fits wit...
This should be easy. In September , David and Gwen contacted me to be apart of the first word, best word site so all of us can keep in touch about our writing. Everyone else figured it out. Everyone else has posts and blogs attached to the main page. Except for me. I simply can not find the link between my sad, lonely little blog out here and the blogs of my obviously more talented friends. (I knew they were more talented before I started writing, but finding myself unable to join in the discussion about writing makes my inadequacies that much bigger). So, here I am, 8 in the morning. The only one of us who doesn't have a day job with the time to sit here and ramble and complain. The universe really must be moving too quickly for me. What the hell is it going to be like when I'm 70? I expect my baby brother to know more about the i nternet , his phone, current music, and video games. Even more so my future kids and grandkids but why can't I seem to keep up with pe...