akkkkkkkk! the internet is killing me!!!!

This should be easy. In September, David and Gwen contacted me to be apart of the first word, best word site so all of us can keep in touch about our writing. Everyone else figured it out. Everyone else has posts and blogs attached to the main page.

Except for me. I simply can not find the link between my sad, lonely little blog out here and the blogs of my obviously more talented friends. (I knew they were more talented before I started writing, but finding myself unable to join in the discussion about writing makes my inadequacies that much bigger).

So, here I am, 8 in the morning. The only one of us who doesn't have a day job with the time to sit here and ramble and complain. The universe really must be moving too quickly for me. What the hell is it going to be like when I'm 70? I expect my baby brother to know more about the internet, his phone, current music, and video games. Even more so my future kids and grandkids but why can't I seem to keep up with people my own age?

Am I really that dumb or do I have a technology block in my brain? I think so, I really think so.


hey, if i didn't have David, i would be corresponding to everyone vial snail mail...or carrier pigeon. :)
sally said…
thank you. I feel better- i read your essay too- i'll get back to you with ideas.
David said…
Heya lil' sis! Call me and I'll walk you through joining first word, best word. I promise, it'll be a hoot! ;)
Arthur said…
First, who cares if your not good for a minute with technology. NEVER think you're less talented! Sarah, I look for your opinion with the things I write, and not only that, it means a great deal to me! when it comes to poeple of a curtian calliber, (and you are of this calliber) talent doesnt fluxuate. Talent converts, talent changes, but talent never gets lesser. Anyway, I have no idea how to get "connected" to any "group" on here. I don't even have a cell phone. Thats like a crime for someone our age. you should see the looks I get, even from older people. Ever have a sixty-year-old women look at you and say "how do you get by without a cell phone?" I have, oh yeah, I have!!!

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