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Goal Post #20 intention: re-start daily exercise

This blog has mainly been about how little positive changes add up over time. The opposite is also true. Letting myself go a bit over the summer preceded my worst illness in over a decade which snowballed into my back going out for the first time in two years.

September was quite a month.

Would better exercise habits this summer have kept me from getting a bacterial infection in my throat? Of course not. But the week of forced inactivity probably wouldn't have hurt my back as badly if I had been in better shape before the mandatory time out. Of course I have reasons. There are always excuses. The heat this summer, the lack of good bike trails around our new home, no more garage so every time I want to ride it means hauling my bike up from the basement, etc, etc, on and on.

But all of that is nonsense. We're still a short, if a little longer than before, ride to a beautiful bike trail. The heat last summer only kept me inside during the month of August, and nothing on that list is an excuse to stop daily planks and yoga. It comes down to the simple fact that I skipped one day, then another. Slept in the extra 15mins and skipped my morning workout. That one time turned into a week that turned into a month. Days upon days of choices adding up to a stiff lower back and popping ibuprofen alongside antibiotics.

Thankfully, all but the smallest of my new clothes still fit, and now I'm back to feeling 100% we can get back on that daily exercise train.


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