My personal truth about cats and dogs

First, that movie was great. Granted, I haven't watched it more than once approximately twenty years ago so it might be deeply problematic. But what I remember about it is great. Janeane Garofalo? Great! Uma Thurman? Great? The phone sex scene? GREAT! The premise that an intelligent, witty, short, dark-haired woman would be so insecure that she would hire a tall blond woman to pretend to be her on a blind date? Not so great. Because it was too obvious, not because the flaw in our society didn't exist. Thank goodness nerds became cool. 

Second, I'm not a cat or a dog person. Both are spectacular and I love them equally. They have contributed to human civilization in ways we are only beginning to recognize. Plus both are soft and cuddly. Seriously, what more can you ask for in a pet? (side note, I also love reptiles, snakes, and rats because pet rats are tiny geniuses running around being hilarious- get one- trust me, they're amazing)

Third, what got me thinking about all of this is masculine and feminine energy. We equate females with cats and males with dogs because of their energy. Dogs are communal, outgoing, positive, proactive, in-your-face, annoying, too much, affectionate, charismatic, aggressive, loving, possessive, and on and on and on. Cats are independent, reserved, self-contained, selective, and withholding. Nevermind that men and women have never ever in the history of the universe fit into binary genders categorizing males and females. All of us are unique blends of masculine and feminine energy.  

That being said, I'm basically a dog. An introverted dog who needs recovery time after being so community-focused and positively sure the world can change for the better (only if good people show up and give 100%) but a dog, none the less. Basically the only cat part about me is my need for solitude. For example. In line to early vote for Biden/Harris in the 2020 election, I was so pumped full of joy and love that I truly believed, in that moment that we would win based on that feeling alone. In the middle of deep red Indiana. That my friends, is either foolishness or overwhelming hope. My partner, an extroverted cat, thought this was sweet but rolled their eyes just a little. To be fair, I was also being annoying (see dog characteristic #6). 

Being a dog-energy person, I have attracted cat-energy people all my life. My partners are secretive (sometimes to the unhealthy point of withholding), self-contained, and ALWAYS cooler than I am so automatically more popular. And I don't mind, because I'm a dog who loves that the person I love is so loved. It works. 

George was a dog, yes, but he was one of my soul mates because he was also a cat/dog. He was extremely independent and cool. He owned every room he walked into because he could just as easily walk out again and be completely okay. #lifegoals


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