
Showing posts from April, 2019


Goal Post #18 follow up At the beginning of this month, I thought finding a primary suspect for extra salt intake was going to be easy. Potatoes are one of my favorite things and potato chips are almost the best form potatoes can take, besides french fries, tater tots, home fried, roasted or mashed potatoes. Did I mention I like potatoes? Just like trying to reduce sugar, instead of a blanket ban I started by focusing on limiting problem foods. In February this meant dessert, so this month it meant chips and other salty goodness. Ten days in and I was at a loss. Even without my beloved spuds, my sodium intake stayed above average seven out of nine days. My approach clearly wasn't working. Attempting a more blanket approach limiting all foods that tend to be high in sodium  was intimidating because that list gets looong , but it was worth a shot. By the end of the month, I had tried, believe me, but I exceeded sodium intake fifteen out of thirty days. On the positive side, the

Thoughts on Thinness

Side Post #2  Phantom fat and the magic number The Magic Number  Saturday, November 10, 2018 I went below my secret goal weight and kind of freaked out. Let me explain. Starting this process, I told myself the goal was to lose thirty-three pounds and at least 10% body fat. The ideal weight for my height is between thirty and forty pounds less than I weighed two years ago, so these were reasonable goals. But, when I finally hit those marks it was fine. Like, I was glad, but didn't feel a sense of real accomplishment like when I finished writing Gently or even the rush of excitement I'd felt when I saw I'd lost twenty pounds. Loosing those thirty-three pounds was a good thing, a goal achieved, and I was happy with my success. Just a little sad I'd somehow missed the endorphin high. Then without warning, my weight fell below the number I'd hidden in my head. My secret goal weight, if you will. When I saw I'd lost thirty-five pounds reflected on the scale it


Goal Post #18 intention: reduce salt intake My family is a salty bunch, literally and figuratively. Early in their relationship my mom actually stopped cooking with salt because of how liberally dad salted everything before tasting. My sweet tooth as a child kept me from identifying with dad's sodium obsession until suddenly in my twenties savory became my favorite flavor. Right now, salt probably isn't hurting my health. After all, dad (who regularly snacked on saltines topped with cheddar cheese) didn't have to start taking blood pressure medication until he was well into his fifties. Plus, I am routinely accused by Nic of not salting enough when I cook. But, according to my fitness app, I often exceed the daily recommended intake. So I'm willing to take a moment to figure out how to reduce my intake.